Skeye نانو ڊرون

Skeye نانو ڊرون


۾ چڱي خاصي:
Skeye نانو ڊرون
Skeye نانو ڊرون
Perfect altitude hold mode
Compact size
Low cost
Quick to get flying
Three flight modes offer levels of speed

توهان واقعي nooks جي narrowest ذريعي پرواز ڊرونز جو فن جو تجربو ڪرڻ چاهيو ٿا ته, هتي جي SKEYE نانو ڊرون جي مدد ڪري سگهي ٿو ته توهان کي ته تمام گهڻو ٻڌائي آهي. It’s the world’s smallest quadcopter that looks stylish and has been endowed with amazing flight features. The drone offers three interesting modes of flight: one for the beginners, one for the advanced and one for the experts. رخ cycles, figure of eights, banking turns are super easy to achieve with this drone in hand. There are built-in LEDs which will help you visualize the drone even under low-lighting conditions. Welcome to the age of smaller drones with highly efficient features.
قسم دشت


پيداوار نظريه

9.5 كل ايڊليڊ:
SKEYE نانو 2 is loaded with the latest technology and super easy to control and fly

Meet the SKEYE Nano Drone, the shockingly agile and tiny flying machine, perfect for airborne stunts (like figure 8s, banking turns, flips, وغيره) both indoors and out. The Nano Drone provides high thrust, low weight, and has incredibly responsive controls that are complemented by advanced hardware to give the Nano Drone outstanding stability and maneuverability.

معيار اڏيو
  • Perfect altitude hold mode
  • Compact size
  • Low cost
  • Quick to get flying
  • Three flight modes offer levels of speed
  • Controllability
  • Poor video and photo quality
  • No preview of the video
  • No smartphone control or first-person view
  • Controller feels awkward
استعمال ڪندڙ جي درجه بندي: پهرين هڪ ٿي!



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