جي تياري ڊرون 3.0 - توهان جي هٿ جي کجيء ۾ فلائيٽ

بهترين حقیقت جي تياري ڊرون 3.0 - توهان جي هٿ جي کجيء ۾ فلائيٽ

$228.99 $229.00

۾ چڱي خاصي: amazon.comAmazon.com
جي تياري ڊرون 3.0 - توهان جي هٿ جي کجيء ۾ فلائيٽ
جي تياري ڊرون 3.0 - توهان جي هٿ جي کجيء ۾ فلائيٽ
$228.99 $229.00
Spare parts are available
Good video camera
Very affordable
Detachable battery and camera for use elswere

ان جي هڪ ماهر ڊرون چوي ٿو يا هڪ مبتدأ ٿي, جي تياري ڊرون 3.0 اتي ٻاهر هر ڊرون enthusiast لاء ٺهيل آهي. هن ڊرون ننڍو آهي, smart and will stream HD footage directly to your phone. It’s the first of its kind which has been integrated with online video streaming service Meerkat so that you can share your drone footage with the rest of the world. Expandable modular technology, sensor-assisted flying and a micro-gimbal for live streaming video makes this an amazing drone altogether. The additional features include 3D printed customization, auto-levelling, inverted flying, range up to 300 feet and more. You can send the video footage not only to your phone but also to a virtual reality headset. It’s portable and can be carried everywhere you go. Pre-order one now and get a new flight for your piloting dreams!
قسم انجنيئر

ڊرون شوٽنگ جا مثال

roznowskie lake, pictures of drone, picture from the air
roznowskie lake, pictures of drone, picture from the air
picture from the air, picture with drone, shooting with drone

پيداوار نظريه

8 كل ايڊليڊ:
Extreme Fliers Micro Drone 3.0 is a fun mini quadcopter

The modular nature of the Micro Drone 3.0 is something which makes it stand out compared to rivals. Most parts of the drone can be removed and replaced, which is handy if you crash, or want to upgrade. Users can also easily attach different modules via a row of magnetic connectors at the bottom of the detachable battery. This connection feels incredibly solid, which is good, because you don't want to worry about dropping a camera module on someone's head.

معيار اڏيو
  • Spare parts are available
  • Good video camera
  • Very affordable
  • Detachable battery and camera for use elswere
  • Little rough round the edges
  • Not resisstant to the wind
  • Fragile frame
  • Battery and camera pop of on crush
استعمال ڪندڙ جي درجه بندي: پهرين هڪ ٿي!



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