Ghost EHang Drone Aerial Verżjoni

Ghost EHang Drone Aerial Verżjoni


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Ghost EHang Drone Aerial Verżjoni
Ghost EHang Drone Aerial Verżjoni
Ideal drone for beginner
The easiest drone to fly
You can easily operate it from your smartphone

Bl-Ispirtu EHang Drone ajru Verżjoni u s jinqalgħu kamera speċjali mingħajr brushes 2D impunjazzjoni Gimbal, inti ser tkun tista 'tieħu shots ajru sabiħ. The Gimbal is capable of fitting most GoPro editions and similar sized cameras with additional features such as auto-levelling and smooth, stabilized edges. You just need to attach your GoPro on it and fly the drone thereafter. Flying this drone is super easy too as it takes up one-click commands from your smartphone. You’ll also be able to control the height and orientation of the drone from the app by sliding bars. The drone is wind and water resistant and comes with LED lights so that you can fly it at night. The flight time is approximately 30 minuti. If you’re into drones and are already trying to master the art of flying it, this is definitely worth going for.
billi Ashley

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Product Reviews

9 Punteġġ totali
Ehang Ghostdrone - The Ideal Drone for Beginners

Ghost is the world's easiest drone to fly. It is perfect for first-timers and experienced pilots alike. Help us make drones more accessible to everyone!

jibnu kwalità
  • Ideal drone for beginner
  • The easiest drone to fly
  • You can easily operate it from your smartphone
  • Short battery life as you can only fly it for about 25-30 minutes for a single charge.
  • Shipping within specified states limiting its accessibility and availability
Rating utent: Kun l-ewwel wieħed!


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