SKEYE Hexa Drone

SKEYE Hexa Drone


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SKEYE Hexa Drone
SKEYE Hexa Drone
Steady and smooth for the price
Its LED light configuration is like bigger drones
Easy to trim, fun little auto flips in any direction

X'hemm aħjar minn drone ma 'erba' skrejjen? A drone b'sitt skrejjen. Tintroduċi l-Drone SKEYE Hexa mill TRNDlabs. Faċli għall-użu għall flyers ewwel darba jew l-utenti drone b'esperjenza, the SKEYE Hexa Drone is equipped with ready to fly technology. Simply throw it into the air and begin controlling with the intuitive controller which has three levels of adjustment ranging from beginners to experts. With adjustable gyro sensitivity, and aerobatic capability, and a little practice you can flip the drone through the air. The lightweight plastic and 50-meter controller range, the SKEYE Hexa Drone can go just about anywhere. The lithium polymer battery charges in just 30 minutes and gives you eight minutes of adventurous fly time. The kit includes six replacement rotor blades.
billi Ashley


Product Reviews

8.5 Punteġġ totali
Big adventures on the miniature drone

The SKEYE collection, these are 3 types of drones all small format that embark you to moments of unsuspected entertainment. Explore the heights, experience beautiful sensations, capture and even film your adventures with a drone that holds in the palm of a hand. Barra minn hekk, each SKEYE drone is equipped with LED lights for night flights.

jibnu kwalità
Valur għall-prezz
  • Steady and smooth for the price
  • Its LED light configuration is like bigger drones
  • Easy to trim, fun little auto flips in any direction
  • Battery is not swappable because the battery is internal.
  • Proprietary charging port, somewhat
  • Poor quality plastic/construction
Rating utent: Kun l-ewwel wieħed!


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