נינטענדאָו באַשטימען

נינטענדאָו באַשטימען


בעסטער האַנדלען ביי: amazon.comAmazon.com
נינטענדאָו באַשטימען
נינטענדאָו באַשטימען
A very powerful portable console.
Joy-Con ergonomic and well thought out.
No break between the portable experience and the TV experience.

נינטענדאָו איז וועגן צו באַגראָבן זייַן וויי ו און האָפּעס צו ריקאַנעקט מיט די געשעפט הצלחה פון זייַן וויי מיט אַ נייַ קאַנסאָול און אַ נייַ באַגריף: די נינטענדאָו סוויטש. Switch” צו “transformbecause the console of the Japanese manufacturer will be hybrid. Both lounge console with classic triptych console-console-television. But also nomadic since the controller and the console corea touch screencan merge to create a portable console capable of satisfying players, from the toilet to the plane.


פּראָדוקט באריכטן

9 Total Score
Nintendo Switch, the console that wants to be everywhere

he Switch is an important console for Nintendo in more ways than one. One, it represents the culmination of the Japanese company's vision of convergence between nomadic and sedentary gaming, pushing the concept of the Wii U to the extreme. It has a lot to do after the failure of the latter, which did not know how to attract enough and quickly was let loose by the third-party publishers and the public yet acquired to the cause Wii. It is therefore essential for Nintendo to redress the bar and try to find the way of success, as it was borrowed with DS, Wii and - to a lesser extent - the 3DS. A living room console that is also portable or a portable console that also connects to the TV: difficult to place the Switch in a specific category, even if its creator considers it primarily as a product to use at home, on a large screen.

ווערט פֿאַר פּרייַז
  • A very powerful portable console.
  • Joy-Con ergonomic and well thought out.
  • No break between the portable experience and the TV experience.
  • Zelda.
  • ery fragile stand.
  • Average battery life.
  • Colorimetry of the screen not ideal (temperature too cold).
  • Many reflections.
  • Can not do anything other than gambling (for now).
  • Low power headphone output.
  • Design of any "טאַבלעט" and wide screen borders.
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