Logitech G231 Prodigy stéréo Headsét kaulinan

A panerusna langsung ka G230 nu, nu G231 Prodigy mangrupa headset kaulinan Éntri-tingkat keur gamers di Logitech. Taya RGB, teu 7.1, euweuh Bluetooth, but a simple wired stereo model with a launch price of 60 € all the same. Let’s see if it deserves to join your array of accessories.

Harita produk

9 total Score
Excelent gaming headset for beginners

This new helmet is in line with the G230: the concept and the design evolve substantially, but the basis remains the same. The G231 Prodigy is equipped with a circular hoop and circum-auricular atria, both covered with a mesh fabric cover (fabric sportswear) that is easily washable and very ventilated. The earcups can always be rotated flat (90 °) and the ear cushions are removable. The microphone seems to be similar to the previous model and offers an automatic mute function if it is folded upwards. The 3.5 mm 4-pin mini-jack cable with a size of 1.2 m is accompanied by a microphone cut-off control and a volume control.

Nilai keur hargana
  • Good sound in the ears.
  • A comfortable helmet.
  • The look not too cheap.
  • The supplied adapter.
  • The sound of the microphone is mediocre.
  • Plastics that squeak.
  • And the cover, where is it?
user Rating: Janten anu pangheulana!
Urang bakal senang ngadangu pikiran anjeun

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