Kamera Furbo Dog Kaamanan pikeun Imah

Kamera Furbo Dog Kaamanan pikeun Imah

$199.00 $249.00

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Kamera Furbo Dog Kaamanan pikeun Imah
Kamera Furbo Dog Kaamanan pikeun Imah
$199.00 $249.00

Furbo Dog Cam sugan teh aksésori hareup nu sagala boga anjing baris geura-giru hayang mibanda betah! Éta kaméra panjagaan, but also a distributor of croquette activable remotely!

Furbo Dog Cam connects to your home wifi network. It is equipped with a wide-angle HD camera capable of filming in 720p. But it is also equipped with an infrared sensor allowing it to see also at night. You can thus keep an eye on your interior, but it allows you to check what your pet does at home, in your absence.


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9 total Score
Best for Pet Lovers

Furbo is a bit of a connected camera all in one but its main mission is to take care of and monitor your dog when you are not home. Furbo has a camera that will allow you, through a mobile application, to see, talk and even give treats to your dog when you are away. A good way to stay close to your little hairball that you like so much. Created by Tomofun, this connected device offers pet owners a new way to interact with their dogs. Besides the ability to see and talk to your dog, you can also hear and receive push notifications when the dog barks. Tomofun is not the first startup to imagine a camera for animals. But what distinguishes Furbo from others is the possibility of rewarding your pet. According to those who tested it, the product is very simple to use.

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