SoundLink® مني II جي Bluetooth اسپيڪر

SoundLink® مني II جي Bluetooth اسپيڪر


۾ چڱي خاصي:
SoundLink® مني II جي Bluetooth اسپيڪر
SoundLink® مني II جي Bluetooth اسپيڪر
Great video quality
Solid construction
Attractive design
Reliable treat dispensing

جي وڃ تي پنهنجي موسيقي ڊي. هن SoundLink® مني II جي Bluetooth اسپيڪر امير delivers, هڪ الٽرا (توريت) خاڪي ته توهان جي هٿ جي کجيء ۾ جتن لاء ماٿيلي جون پاڙون پرش سان قدرتي آواز. اهو توهان جي ڪري اڄ تائين wirelessly ملائي, tablet or other Bluetooth device so you can enjoy your music, videos and games wherever you are at any time. The built-in hands-free functionality also allows you to take your calls.

پيداوار نظريه

9 كل ايڊليڊ:
SoundLink Mini II is the Bluetooth speaker superstar

Genuine "best-seller" Soundlink Mini 2 is considered the best portable Bluetooth speaker. This Bose SoundLink Mini II takes all the acoustic features that made the success of version 1. A sturdy aluminum chassis and stylish design, only 670 grams, surprising bass, power and power despite its Format ultra-compact, simple and effective use ... مختصر ۾, we do not change a recipe that works! So you can always count on this Soundlink Mini 2 to send in Bluetooth (range 9 جي طرف 10 ميٽر) the sound of your smartphone, your tablet or your laptop. For your devices that are not equipped with Bluetooth, you can still use the auxiliary mini-jack (3.5ميلي).

قيمت جي اهميت
معيار اڏيو
  • Great video quality
  • Solid construction
  • Attractive design
  • Reliable treat dispensing
  • Low-quality speaker
  • Barking alerts are too sensitive
  • Non-adjustable camera
استعمال ڪندڙ جي درجه بندي: پهرين هڪ ٿي!


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