ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي آيا هئا ڊور سيڪيورٽي ڪئميرا

ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي آيا هئا ڊور سيڪيورٽي ڪئميرا

$176.77 $199.00

۾ چڱي خاصي: amazon.comAmazon.com
ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي آيا هئا ڊور سيڪيورٽي ڪئميرا
ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي آيا هئا ڊور سيڪيورٽي ڪئميرا
$176.77 $199.00
Excellent video quality
Sound and motion detection
Two-way audio. Email alerts
Works with lots of other connected devices.
Netgear ۽ ان جو پهريون-رکيو اهمد وانگر, waterproof ۽ موسم مزاحمتي, ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي ماڻڪ ڪنگراڻي آيا هئا ڊور سان مڪمل ايندو, باغ جي نگراني ڪرڻ لاء هڪ وي ڪيمرائون لڳائڻ ڪئميرا, وسري, the garage or have an eye on what happens near the front door.
It is good to unveil its new surveillance camera: Cam Outdoor, the first product since the departure of Tony Fadell. It takes up the principle of the Nest Cam but was specially designed for the outside. Nest takes advantage of this to implement a new face detection algorithm.

پيداوار نظريه

9.5 كل ايڊليڊ:

The Cam Outdoor does not position itself inside, but outside the buildings thanks to a magnetic mount. The camera is weatherproof (IP65) and keeps the same microphone and speaker system of the Cam which allows to communicate with the persons present in front of the camera. Nest collaborated with Google's deep-learning team to develop a new algorithm capable of detecting human faces to warn of a person's presence via a notification. We can imagine the scene: a thief arrives in front of the house, the camera sends a notice to the owner who can then ask, through the loudspeaker of the camera, what the man wants and thus make him flee. As with Nest Cam, the Cam Outdoor has night vision and requires subscription to the Nest Aware cloud to keep video history and receive more accurate alerts.

قيمت جي اهميت
معيار اڏيو
  • Excellent video quality
  • Weatherproof
  • Sound and motion detection
  • Two-way audio. Email alerts
  • Works with lots of other connected devices.
  • Pricey
  • Some features require a subscription plan
  • Requires outdoor power.
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