پيدا ٿيندڙ 3D پرنٽر

ايڊيٽر پسند پيدا ٿيندڙ 3D پرنٽر


۾ چڱي خاصي: amazon.comAmazon.com
پيدا ٿيندڙ 3D پرنٽر
پيدا ٿيندڙ 3D پرنٽر
Working out of box
Can print a lot of things
A lot of colors to use
Wi-fi connectivity

جي پيدا ٿيندڙ 3D پرنٽر هڪ گهر 3D پرنٽر جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو ته توهان اصل ۾ "پرنٽ" سڻڀ پيدا ڪيو ۽ ڊجيٽل فارم ۾ visualized آهي. 3D printers are all the rage right now for advanced manufacturing at an industrial level. On the personal level, the Cube is the perfect out-of-the-box tool to help you make all kinds of wacky things. You can make toys, jewelry, kitchenware, containers, or even some weird modern art stuff. The Cube is certified for safe at-home use. You get material cartridges in 16 colors, and the material used may be recyclable ABS or compostable PLA. You get 25 free 3D files with the Cube, and you can get more online if you need them. You can send digital output to the printer through a USB port or by Wi-Fi.
قسم جو نشان

Printings جو مثال

8.5 كل ايڊليڊ:
Excellent item!

Super 3D printer for home use! Suitable for most of amatures artwork and great tool for your creativity!

تخليق ڪرڻ
  • Working out of box
  • Can print a lot of things
  • A lot of colors to use
  • Wi-fi connectivity
  • Just amature's applications
  • Not a cheap one
استعمال ڪندڙ جي درجه بندي: پهرين هڪ ٿي!

توهان شئ چونڊي


1 جو رايو آهي
  1. پرنٽر مان منهنجي overal تاثر تمام سٺو آهي. مون کي خريد ڪرڻ جي reccomend!

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