क्यानरी घर सुरक्षा क्यामेरा प्रणाली

क्यानरी घर सुरक्षा क्यामेरा प्रणाली


मा सर्वश्रेष्ठ सम्झौता: amazon.comAmazon.com
क्यानरी घर सुरक्षा क्यामेरा प्रणाली
क्यानरी घर सुरक्षा क्यामेरा प्रणाली
Design and finishes.
प्रयोगको सजिलो.
Alarm siren and emergency contacts.
अडियो गुणस्तर.

एक सरल आईपी क्यामेरा भन्दा बढी, क्यानरी – जसको eponymous उत्पादन यसको पहिलो जोडिएको वस्तु हो – सबै-मा-एक सुरक्षा प्रणाली प्रतिज्ञा.

संग बिक्री 219 €, the Canary surveillance camera is capable of filming in HD-1080p with wide-angle lens of 147 ° and has an automatic night vision mode, as well as a microphone and an integrated siren (90 dB ).

उत्पादन समीक्षा

9 जम्मा अंक
क्यानरी घर सुरक्षा क्यामेरा प्रणाली - Best for All-in-One

The Canary integrates a complete home security system in the same unit that you control using an app on your iPhone or iPad. It incorporates a 1080p HD camera, automatic motion detection, night vision, an alarm of more than 90 dB, temperature, humidity and air quality sensors, as well as intelligent notifications sent directly to your IOS device. Configure the Canary in seconds for a sense of security.

गुणस्तर निर्माण
मूल्य लागि मूल्य
  • Design and finishes.
  • प्रयोगको सजिलो.
  • Alarm siren and emergency contacts.
  • अडियो गुणस्तर.
  • Slow passing through infrared mode.
  • Very sensitive motion detector.
  • Face difficult to identify in night mode.
  • Recovery of videos in 720p.
प्रयोगकर्ता मूल्याङ्कन: पहिलो हुन!

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