Xbox 360 500GB Sejħa tad-Dazju Bundle

bejjiegħ aħjar Xbox 360 500GB Sejħa tad-Dazju Bundle


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Xbox 360 500GB Sejħa tad-Dazju Bundle
Xbox 360 500GB Sejħa tad-Dazju Bundle
Incredibly quiet
Much more energy efficient
Looks lovely
Easier to expand HDD space

Id-disinn il-ġdid tal-Xbox 360 tippermetti l-console biex jinżamm l-istess livell ta 'prestazzjoni waqt allinjament ma' l-estetika moderna tal-Xbox One. 15% iżgħar meta mqabbla mal-mudell l-antik, it also allows to benefit from the best catalog of current games, and to discover the Xbox experience.
Strike the enemy with Call of Dutynew design of the Xbox 360 tippermetti l-console biex jinżamm l-istess livell ta 'prestazzjoni waqt allinjament ma' l-estetika moderna tal-Xbox One. 15% iżgħar meta mqabbla mal-mudell l-antik, it also allows to benefit from the best catalog of current games, and to discover the Xbox experience.
Strike the enemy with Call of Duty.

Product Reviews

9.5 Punteġġ totali
Thinner, lighter, more elegant

igawdu 2 outstanding titles on your Xbox 360 with Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. In Call of Duty: Ghosts, discover a world where the balance of the new world order has been totally disrupted, and fight Within a mysterious group, known as Ghosts, in order to fight the new world force. Sejħa tad-Dazju: Black Ops 2 will propel the player in the near future, at the heart of the 21st Century Cold War, where technology and armaments have converged to give birth to a whole new way of waging war.

jibnu kwalità
Valur għall-prezz
  • Incredibly quiet
  • Much more energy efficient
  • Looks lovely
  • Easier to expand HDD space
  • Controller analogue sticks still not durable enough
  • The PS4 Pro makes this a tough sell to dedicated fans
Rating utent: Kun l-ewwel wieħed!
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