kelliem SoundLink® Mini II Bluetooth

kelliem SoundLink® Mini II Bluetooth


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kelliem SoundLink® Mini II Bluetooth
kelliem SoundLink® Mini II Bluetooth
Great video quality
Solid construction
Attractive design
Reliable treat dispensing

Igawdu mużika tiegħek fuq il-go. Il-kelliem SoundLink® Mini II Bluetooth tagħti sinjuri, ħoss naturali ma bass sorprendentement fond għal disinn ultra-kompatti li joqgħod fil-pala ta 'idejk. Huwa jgħaqqad wirelessly smartphone tiegħek, tablet or other Bluetooth device so you can enjoy your music, videos and games wherever you are at any time. The built-in hands-free functionality also allows you to take your calls.

Product Reviews

9 Punteġġ totali
SoundLink Mini II is the Bluetooth speaker superstar

Genuine "best-seller" Soundlink Mini 2 is considered the best portable Bluetooth speaker. This Bose SoundLink Mini II takes all the acoustic features that made the success of version 1. A sturdy aluminum chassis and stylish design, only 670 grammi, surprising bass, power and power despite its Format ultra-compact, simple and effective use ... In short, we do not change a recipe that works! So you can always count on this Soundlink Mini 2 to send in Bluetooth (range 9 li 10 metru) the sound of your smartphone, your tablet or your laptop. For your devices that are not equipped with Bluetooth, you can still use the auxiliary mini-jack (3.5mm).

Valur għall-prezz
jibnu kwalità
  • Great video quality
  • Solid construction
  • Attractive design
  • Reliable treat dispensing
  • Low-quality speaker
  • Barking alerts are too sensitive
  • Non-adjustable camera
Rating utent: Kun l-ewwel wieħed!


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