ASTRO A50 Playstation 4 headset logħob

ASTRO A50 Playstation 4 headset logħob


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ASTRO A50 Playstation 4 headset logħob
ASTRO A50 Playstation 4 headset logħob
An exceptional sound
Comfortable foams and 3-point support system
The base for laying and loading the helmet
Astro Gaming tirrilaxxa l-aħħar ġenerazzjoni ta 'headphones tagħha A50 high-end. Id-disinn tagħha identiku għall-A40, the real difference between the small and the big brother lies in its bowels: a 7.1 rendering in wireless and a sound that really (but really) not to jealous the helmets of a certain Dr. Dre and Apple. This new toy Astro is certainly quite expensive, but really does not make us regret our purchase.

Product Reviews

9.5 Punteġġ totali
An incredible sound for all your games

The Astro Gaming A50 Wireless is one of the best headsets on the market. Certainly, a little expensive (300 € approximately), it has more convincing sound performance and distinguishes itself from competitors thanks to its very successful design and breathing class with full nose and excellent comfort. The wireless technology and these features on the headset allow it to be a high-end accessory for discerning gamers and its base will position itself very well on your TV stand.

jibnu kwalità
  • An exceptional sound
  • Comfortable foams and 3-point support system
  • The base for laying and loading the helmet
  • Support on the top of the skull can be painful
  • The absence of mains power supply can lead to frequent wiring manipulations
Rating utent: Kun l-ewwel wieħed!


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