이용 약관

일반 이용약관

기사 1: 목적

본 “일반 이용약관” 사이트 https의 서비스를 제공하는 방법에 대한 법적 지침을 제공하기 위한 것입니다.://Gadgetsmart.biz/ 및 그 사용 “사용자”.

사이트 https에 액세스하려는 사용자는 일반 사용 조건에 동의해야 합니다.://gadgetsmart.biz/. 그들은 사이트와 사용자 간의 계약을 구성합니다. 사이트 접속 https://사용자의 widgetsmart.biz/는 현재의 일반적인 사용 조건을 수락함을 의미합니다..

결국 :

본 계약에서 정한 일반 이용약관에 동의하지 않는 경우, 사용자는 사이트에서 제공하는 서비스에 대한 액세스를 포기해야 합니다..

당사 사이트는 본 이용 약관의 내용을 일방적으로 언제든지 변경할 수 있는 권리를 보유합니다..

기사 2: 정의

The purpose of this clause is to define the various essential terms of the contract:

사용자: This term means any person who uses the site or one of the services offered by the site.

User Content: These are the data transmitted by the User within the site.

Member: The User becomes a member when it is identified on the site.

Username and Password: This is all the information necessary to identify a User on the site. The username and the password allow the User to access services reserved for the members of the site. The password is confidential.

기사 3: Access to services

The site allows the User free access to the following services:

[News articles];

[classified ads] ;

[Connecting people];

[Publication of comments / personal works];

The site is accessible free of charge to any user with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User in accessing the service (hardware, 소프트웨어, Internet connection, etc.) shall be borne by the User.

Depending on the case:

The Non-Member User does not have access to member services. To have this acces, he must identify himself with its username and password.

The site uses all means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being means, the site does not commit to achieve this result.

Any event due to force majeure resulting in malfunction of the network or the server does not engage the responsibility of https://gadgetsmart.biz/

Access to the site’s services may be interrupted, suspended, changed at any time without prior notice for maintenance or in any other case. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, suspension or modification of the present contract.

The User has the possibility to contact the site by the contact form.

기사 4: Liability and Force Majeure

The sources of information disseminated on the site are deemed reliable. 하나, the site reserves the possibility of a non-guarantee of the reliability of the sources. The information given on the site is purely informative. Thus, the User assumes sole responsibility for the use of the information and contents of this site.

The User makes sure to keep his password secret. Any disclosure of the password, regardless of its form, is prohibited.

The User assumes the risks associated with the use of his username and password. The site declines all responsibility.

Any use of the service by the User which directly or indirectly results in damage must be compensated in favor of the site.

An optimal guarantee of the security and the confidentiality of the data transmitted is not assured by the site. 하나, the site undertakes to use all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The liability of the site can not be committed in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

기사 5: Hypertext links

Many hypertext links are present on the site, however the web pages where these links lead are in no way the responsibility of https://gadgetsmart.biz/ which does not have control of these links.

The User is therefore forbidden to engage the responsibility of the site concerning the content and resources relating to these outgoing hypertext links.

기사 6: Development of the contract

The site reserves the right at any time to modify the clauses stipulated in the present contract.

기사 7: 지속

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract shall have effect for the User as of the use of the service.

기사 10: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

International law applies to this contract. 결국

기사 8: Publication by the User

The site allows members to post comments.

In its publications, the member agrees to respect the rules and the rules of law in force.

The site exercises a moderation [a priori / a posteriori] on the publications and reserves the right to refuse their putting on line, without having to justify it with the member.

The member retains full intellectual property rights. 하나, by publishing a publication on the site, it shall assign to the publisher the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute and distribute its publication, directly or by an authorized third party, worldwide Support (digital or physical), for the duration of the intellectual property. In particular, the Member shall assign the right to use its publication on the Internet and on mobile telephone networks.

The publishing company agrees to include the name of the member near each use of its publication.

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