Pen 3D Scribbler

Pen 3D Scribbler


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Pen 3D Scribbler
Pen 3D Scribbler
Large screen
Facile da usare
Simple to controls

Lo scribacchino 3D penna V3has diverse nuove caratteristiche che lo rendono una delle penne 3D facili da usare sul mercato. The company has not just made cosmetic changes to this new version though the look and feel is a bit different as compared to the V2.

One of the major differences in the Scribbler is in the construction. The design is much simpler, sturdier and more appealing. The overall look is much cleaner and neater than the other brands and previous Scribbler versions.

The Scribbler 3d pen now has six speeds, which enables it to adjust to just about anyone’s speed and style of writing.

The large screen makes it very easy for someone like me, who wears reading glasses, to discern the settings without worrying about someone else having fiddled with it without my knowledge.

Finalmente, the ability to take PLA as well ABS plastic lets you look for the best deal in both when shopping.

Esempi di stampe

9.5 Punteggio totale
Perect 3D pen working just like a pen or pencil.

This 3D pen is great for just about any stay at home mom, dad or anyone with even a little amateur artistic ability.

Facilità d'uso
Facilità d'uso
  • Large screen
  • Facile da usare
  • Simple to controls
  • It takes some patience to get used to using the pen
  • Has limits for advanced users
Voto dell'utente: Puoi essere il primo!

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