MOD-t stampante 3D da nuova materia

MOD-t stampante 3D da nuova materia


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MOD-t stampante 3D da nuova materia
MOD-t stampante 3D da nuova materia
Low-cost filament
Plentiful cartridges
Extremely cost effective
Facile da usare

Esplora la tua creatività e l'amore per la tecnologia con il MOD-t stampante 3D da nuova materia. Progettato per il non tecnico, this incredible Wi-Fi connected printer takes just moments to set up and begin to use as it requires no assembly. The MOD-t 3d Printer is also low maintenance despite offering highly consistent quality. Able to print directly from your smartphone, anche se il suo ideatore lo considera principalmente come un prodotto da usare in casa, or computer, the accompanying web interface is as simple as it is sleek. Perfect for families, the MOD-t 3D Printer is equipped with a clear cover so you can watch each and every step of your project being made while remaining safely away from the hot or moving parts. As easy as it is to use, the MOD-t 3D Printer also looks sleek and stylish on any desk or countertop.
Con Ashley

Esempi di stampe

8 Punteggio totale
Very inexpensive 3D printer that can still produce easy, quick, quality items

The MOD-t desktop 3D printer, New Matter is providing the first and only affordable, fully integrated, end-to-end consumer 3D printing experience.

Facilità d'uso
  • Low-cost filament
  • Plentiful cartridges
  • Extremely cost effective
  • Facile da usare
  • Ecofreindly
  • You can only print small PLA models
  • Reduced functionality
  • limited filament material
  • Long build time
  • Software is inelegant
Voto dell'utente: Puoi essere il primo!

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