Samsung Gear S3 Frontier

Samsung Gear S3 Frontier


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Samsung Gear S3 Frontier
Samsung Gear S3 Frontier
A remarkable Amoled screen, including its luminosity.
Autonomia oso ona, given the context of the market.
Overall navigation, especially with the circular ring, always so pleasant.
Helpful GPS for outdoor sport.
Waterproof / Serious overall finishes.

sentsore multzo berri bat eta OS oso eraginkorra With, konektatutako Samsung from erloju berria ez da urruti zeresanik batetik.

inoiz osatuagoa eta askoz hobeto amaituta bihurtuz By, the Samsung Gear S3 is certainly the best rival of the Apple Watch. It passes the watch connected to the apple in terms of display and autonomy. Apart from its imposing format and an application universe still perfectible, it was very difficult to find him the slightest defect. In our opinion, the price of 400 euros is justified.


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