Chroma HD Kamara Drone Blade arabera

Chroma HD Kamara Drone Blade arabera


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Chroma HD Kamara Drone Blade arabera
Chroma HD Kamara Drone Blade arabera
Two HD camera options
Feature-packed controller
Advertised flight stability
SAFE Plus technology
Advertised flight time of 30 minutu

Ezagutu munduko Chroma HD Kamara Drone the Blade by edozein angelutatik. East hegan eta kontrola, drone honek ezaugarri bat eraiki 16 megapixel 1080p HD camera to capture the clearest footage from your flight. Complete with a 6300 mAh battery for flights up to half an hour, you can use the Chroma Camera Drone in autonomous follow me mode or tracking mode to record all of your adventures hands free. Shooting at 60 frames per second, the Chroma Camera Drone has a no-dist ortion lens to totally eliminate the fisheye effect for better quality video. Streaming a live video feed from up to 600 meters away, the Chroma Camera Drone is also equipped with a 3-axis brushless stabilization gimbal for smooth and steady footage.
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Drones Shootings adibideak

argazkia airetik, argazkia drone-rekin, dronarekin tiro egitea
drone, camera, privacy

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9 Puntuazioa Guztira
Everything in One Box

You don’t need a separate smart device with the ST-10+ controller. Everything you need, including the camera controls and a touch-screen video display, is built right in.

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Eraiki kalitatea
  • Two HD camera options
  • Feature-packed controller
  • Advertised flight stability
  • SAFE Plus technology
  • Advertised flight time of 30 minutu
  • Pricey
  • Doesn’t come with FPV headset
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